Simple Image
Remove existing background from simple product images with few details, like boxes, books, hats, mobile phones etc…
Remove existing background from model/fashion images (price is calculated per model)
Added Neck or Slightly Detail Image Removing mannequin and adding rear part to dress or remove existing background from product that is quite detailed or with multiple products in one image ex. a pair of shoe, earrings, clothes with top and bottom, etc
Detailed Image Remove existing background from detailed products like Table set, Flowers, etc…
Multi Path
Making multiple clipping paths in one image ex. Path 1 for model, Path 2 for skin and Path 3 for background.
Very Detailed Image
Remove existing background from products that are very detailed ex. Jewelry, Bicycle, etc…
Extremely Detailed Image Remove existing background from products that are extremely detailed ex. Mesh Cage, Certain Trees, etc…
We do the first three images we get from a new client for free. We send a fixed batch quote as soon as we have downloaded your images. We start editing your images right after price approval. We send an invoice directly after the first order (obviously not charging for the three images we do for free). We send monthly invoices to clients having repeated orders. We do yearly fixed price per image for clients sending more than 4000 images per month. Our payment terms are: 10 days net. You can use Paypal or normal Bank transfer to pay your bills